Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Men are dogs..or at least they have potential to be.

As I sadi yeaterday, I took off today to go apartment searching. It was a beautiful day for searching and I ended up going to about 10 or 13 properties. A few blah ones, a few that would work, 2 gorgeous ones, and one that I'll probably end up getting because it's about $700 for almost 1100 sq ft.

Anyway, I get to the last property I'm going to visit of the day and as I'm walking in this guy says It's really busy, everybody is tyring to drop off a rent check. I said I'm trying to get a rent bill. ?he then proceeds to ask what I'm looking for and we're having a nice chat about the complex. He says that he moved moved in a couple of month ago with his fiance and they love it. Fairly quiet, great prices, spacious apartments, etc, etc, etc. He mentions his fiance about 6 or 7 more times. I was thinking, how about this a guy that talks about his woman to another woman in a positive manner and has no qualms about it. I think I actually smiled at the thought. I told him thanks for the info and said have a great day. He says ok and as we're leaving he says, oh you have a really beautiful smile (which debately is just a compliment), but then he says and wow, those lips are just wow.

I smiled, said thanks again and then started walking off. He didn't stop there though. He proceeds to say, It's Regina right... I say yes, and he says great I'm such and such (walker or mark or something). I can't wait until we see each other again.


Dating Advice of the day...

You never know what your mate is doing or saying to people and honestly you shouldn't worry about it. If you ever feel like you need to snoop around in their stuff or ask question about where they've been to get info instead or pure interest, or follow them or call cheaters to investigate... you should definitely leave that person.

There is no joy in feeling inadequate, unloved, betrayed or any other negative feeling related to your relationship or anything for that matter.

Relationships are not designed to be hard. Contrary to popular belief, it should be simple once you find that person that you want to spend your life with. You love each other, you talk about your deepest darkest secrets, you talk things through like adults, you account for that persons fears/petpeeves,you create new experiences, you experience each other, you live life. All that other nonsense that people go through in relationship is uncalled for and by choice. Life is so much more pleasurable if you have a stress free partner... and yes, they do exist.

Now, I don't really know what this guys intentions were, but there is a way to give a compliment without it becoming a flirty compliment. Learn how to do that or just be ready for people to assume you're a cheating b******. This is also true for women.

What do you think?

Was he providing a young lady a compliment on a nice summer day?


Was he providing a young lady with a compliment on a nice summer day in hopes that somethin (whatever) that is would happen next?

2011 Blog-A-Day in May Challenge is back for the 3rd time.

The blogging challenge is officially underway. I was a little skeptical about it happening being that a few of us have moved or are in the process of moving. It took an act of God to get it going in the first place, so let's just say I'm a bit shocked, but uber excited that it's happening. I have already read a few posts from fellow bloggers and so far so good. Looking forward to reading frim veterans and newcomers. I really enjoy this challenge and hope it happens every year until forever. I'm just kind flying by the seat of my knickers for this year. I thought about doing things that disgust me and cause internal vomiting, but figured that may be a little too much for the challenge, so I might just throw a couple in hear of there. Bloggers are below.

Kelly: http://jk-droplets.blogspot.com/
Billy: http://utvolbillyd.blogspot.com/
Susan: http://pocketsusan.blogspot.com/
Mike: http://www.destructoid.com/blogs/Mike%20Wuest
Adam: http://nowthatswhatadamcallsmusic.blogspot.com/
Aaron: http://alovitzmovies.blogspot.com/

• A post must be made each week day in May, meaning weekends are not required, but may be bonus points later...every post should be made after 12:01 am and before 11:59 pm each day.
• In general, vacations, days off during the week, travel, etc. are not exemptions to blogging. If extenuating circumstances arise, we can discuss on a case by case basis.
• Everyone should take the time to read everyone else in order to make the voting better in the end.
• While themes are not required, they may be helpful bonus points.
• No word minimum.
• Be creative, show your personality, and love blogging!
• Voting will take place at the end of the month for individual category winners as well as the overall winner of the challenge.